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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Two Point Oh
Posted: 4:18:00 PM 0 comments
I've been working on a particular music website lately, rewriting it in a different language. The goal is to bring musicians back to a quality, feature-rich site.

No, I'm not working on Trax in Space 2.0, despite the rumors I'm sure are surfacing.

It is OSMusic.Net I am tuning up, moving it into ASP.Net. I haven't had a whole lot of success making a real website with ASP.Net yet, but I've got plenty of experience from working on .Net at work that makes me feel far more comfortable than I did about 6 months ago.

So what's the new OSMusic.Net going to feature? Lots of AJAX, if you can believe that. While I'm still dead set against the security that AJAX offers, I still believe that it can be useful for presentation, and I plan to put a lot into the presentation aspect of OSM. Microsoft has come out with a fairly polished set of AJAX controls for ASP.Net that are really easy to use, keeping ugly JavaScript out of my code. Granted, I'm still going to use it for things like localizing a user's time and removing dead links from a page, but that's nicely tucked away into its own file, and won't be changing from the ASP version to the ASP.Net version.

What else will be new? Well, I have some plans for some new features that will make the user experience more personable, including friends lists, favorite songs, and more. Also, the collaboration features I've been wanting to work on for so long will be added to this version. There will also be a new look, along with the possibility to easily change that look, should someone come with a design that looks better than designs I come up with.

Other projects... well, I'm just not up for coding much else lately. I put a lot of thought into Cent, but never go back to the code, partly because of the time it would take to set up a CrystalSpace environment on my main computer, and partly because of the fact it's in C++, which is a language that just doesn't excite me. Hopefully some day I'll get that drive back that I had going good for a while last year.

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