I don't know what it is with my music lately, but there's been no shortage of inspiration. Not only have I been able to start new projects, but I've actually been able to finish some old ones. A quick run down of things I'm working on musically.
New Zepsi Industries - This has been released over at Trax in Space.
TNS Raw Music Disk - This is almost ready. I've gone back and did a small amount of post-production, mainly to up the volume of it. It's just about ready to be released, but I want to transcribe the whole thing, which takes a considerable amount of time.
Module Sixteen - This is a Reason remake of my already completed track by the same name. After some excellent advice from slammy, I'm doing the final run down of the production, and am probably going to release it shortly after this post.
Analyze - A light industrial tune intended for vocals. It remains to be seen if I do the vocals at night, or if I wait on getting gear together and finding a room to rent to do the recording in.
Reject - slammy sent me a rejected bit from his epic, A Bridged Divide, and we've been playing with it since. He's threatened to send it to m0d, which, if he climbs aboard, would make my fourth 3-way co-op. Pretty neat.
I like this inspiration, and I don't want it to end. Best of all is that it hasn't really taken much time away from other things I do, so I'm really getting a lot done in this department. It's been a long time since the inspiration's been flowing like this, and I intend to take full advantage of it.Labels: Analyze, Module Sixteen, Music, New Zepsi Industries, Reject, slammy, TNS Raw, Zepsi