Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |
Bed update
Posted: 3:21:00 PM
It's been about two and a half weeks with the bed, and I'm glad to report that it rocks. The back pain has been greatly reduced, and let me tell you that it is a wonderful surface to sleep on after a rough afternoon of tennis. Kathy seems to be liking it as well, so it's turned out to be a great investment so far. My only complaint is that it is less cushy. The bed and the pillow are both firm, so when I want to sink into something, I really don't have anything to sink into, I just plop on the surface, and it barely gives. But once you're down for a few minutes, you forget about it.
I've still got the about-once-a-month sleepless night that I get randomly earlier this week, but to me that was because I threw my schedule off, going to bed at 8 AM Sunday morning, something I've been trying to avoid. I guess some things never change.Labels: Life, Tempurpedic
Correction: The HP Server
Posted: 3:19:00 PM
I later discovered the HP server is an HP DL380 G3. What's the difference? About 0.75 GB of RAM and 1.6 GHz on each of the processors. It's a sweet machine, and it will be fun to work with. Labels: Servers
ASP.Net v. PHP
Posted: 12:30:00 PM
Last night, I was presented with a challenge, or what I consider to be a challenge anyway. The question was raised as to whether or not large websites that have hundreds of thousands to millions of users will scale better in Windows/IIS/MySQL/ASP.Net or Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP.
Scalability is, in essence, the ability for a solution to still apply to a problem even when the problem is very large. There are piles and piles of articles on how to scale both ASP.Net and PHP, so to me, scalability itself is not an issue.
Performance, however, is directly linked to scalability, because if you have poor performance on a website, you'll be eating up cash throwing hardware at your setup. You have to have good performance, or else you'll end up in trouble.
So this really brings the question down to which performs better, ASP.Net or PHP? It's a question I don't know the answer to, because I don't know a thing when it comes to PHP. Analysis on the web is often biased, and must be taken with a grain of salt.
Thus the challenge in my mind: prove beyond a doubt that one platform is going to be better than the other. Needless to say that is what I'm going to be spending my upcoming days doing. It'll be interesting to see which platform wins.Labels: ASP.Net, Coding, PHP
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 |
Round Up
Posted: 1:15:00 AM
[Listening to: Nonpoint - The Truth - XM 48 Squizz]
First of all, what the hell's wrong with Blogger.com? I had to log in to post this. I hate doing that.
Anyway, since I haven't posted in a while, I figured it would do me well to give a round up of what's been happening.
- Stress was the topic of September's sole post. Work's still stressful, but I haven't let it get to me like I did then. It matters not, I doubt I'll have this stress come November.
- My projects are on hold. All of them. I realized that I've overstepped myself, and now must take care to make certain I don't let my involvement with more important projects that aren't mine don't slip any.
- Speaking of new projects, I got a nice Compaq Prolient DL380 G2 today to become the 7th server added to the apartment. I call it "Amused". Don't ask.
- I've repriced the phase 1 upgrades to my home network I want to make. Amazingly, the prices got a lot better. But that's because I removed the redundant power supplies from the 4U's because the phase 1 upgrade isn't to do anything other than get the servers together. I'm not going to go all out. Come phase 2, I'll be buying all new servers. Back to the point, I dropped the price of my phase 1 server upgrade from nearly $4,000 to just under $1,600. Not bad. My phase 1 workstation upgrade went from over $3,500 to under $2,200. Not as good, but not bad there, either. Of course, my phase 1 workstation upgrade involves me buying lots and lots of music equipment, as that's really where I'm going with it.
Finally, a link to drop. My sister is the lead singer of If Paige Wins, an alternative rock band out of Buffalo, NY. The website doesn't have much yet, but you can listen to the band's music. It is really good, she sounds like a cross between Amy Lee, Sarah McLachlan, and Alanis Morissette.
Hopefully I won't keep to myself as much as I have, I really don't like neglecting this blog, it's the only place I get to consistantly communicate with a lot of you. So, until next time.Labels: If Paige Wins, Life, Projects
Posted: 1:02:00 AM
Well, Kathy and I decided to ditch the old waterbed for a Tempurpedic bed. I've heard so many good things about it, and we have both been having problems, me my back and Kathy her shoulders, that we decided to go for it. Of course, the only one we can agree on costs $8,000 (after you factor in accessories), so right as I'm getting out of debt, I put myself back in it again. Hmph.
But that's besides the point. I've had two nights on it now, and it's really not terrible. I find that I don't move as much. I think the trick of the bed is that it is designed to keep you in one position. Aside from that, I still get pain in my back, but I have yet to decide if that's because the bed is doing nothing or because I'm not used to it yet. I did something to it back in February while I was out of commission with my bad arm, so I wasn't playing tennis or bike riding. I had attributed it to sleeping oddly on the waterbed, because it would only show up after 8 hours in it.
That aside, I'm willing to give it a good whirl. So far it hasn't been any worse, and I only have 2 nights of experience on it to judge anything.Labels: Life, Tempurpedic