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Friday, December 17, 2021
It's Done. It's Finally Done.
Posted: 1:52:00 AM 0 comments
I give to you the complete. The informative. The functional. version 2.0.

While it's been out here in beta for the last couple weeks, I formally released version 2.0 on GitHub earlier this evening, shipped it out to its new home in Azure, finished up all the remaining content changes I needed to make, and popped off.

OK, so the celebration was more subdued than that, but I tell you, this has been a journey. I've done so many things that are new, I don't even know where to begin. is the product of nine Docker containers. All of these containers run simultaneously on the same server to get the website to function.

  • Certbot - For keeping the SSL certs up to date.
  • Logger - A node.js application that logs Docker output to Azure Application Insights.
  • Nginx - This web server acts as a reverse proxy for the applications on the server.
  • Redis - Caching for the main website.
  • MongoDB - The main data store for the website.
  • MariaDB - The data store for the photo albums.
  • PhotoPrism - The photo album service that stores over 3,000 pictures used on the website.
  • - The redirection service for
  • - The main website. uses a whole bunch of tools to make it tick, including some mainstays like express. I also have written my own, including something called Hot Router, an express router that lets me create classes that are picked up by the router to determine what page to load when a certain URL is hit. It connects to a whole bunch of third party services for things such as my blog, my music releases, my coding projects, my gaming stats, and more. And, it has a super cool résumé page that I'd been wanting to do for a long time.

Being finished with this site doesn't mean it's time to stop, though. Next, I'll be doing a release of olmod for the Overload folks, doing some long overdue updates to the Overload Tracker and the OTL, and then it's on to moving all the Overload projects off of the Windows server and retiring it, finally.

There's still a long way to go, but I feel was the biggest project that hadn't been moved yet. It was a complete rewrite from the ground up, which the tracker and the OTL will not be. Hopefully I can complete everything I want to do within the next few months and free myself up to do some stuff other than websites for once.

We'll see how that goes in the coming months, but until then, enjoy the new!

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