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Houston, Texas, United States
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Wednesday, June 03, 2015 has arrived!
Posted: 4:21:00 PM 0 comments
I've been talking about it for almost six years. I've started and restarted the project numerous times. Finally. Finally, it is here.

Welcome to the new! is written in Node using the Rendr framework, backed by Redis for caching and Microsoft SQL Server for data storage, running on Windows Server 2012 R2 through IIS 8 using iisnode, and being hosted on a Microsoft Azure virtual machine.

It is still a little rough around the edges. For instance, I don't have a solid deployment task, and the error handling is not production quality. For a personal website, though, I don't mind this for a 1.0 release.

The content is all here. All of my Blogger and Tumblr posts are in the Blog section. All of my releases from SoundCloud, which include a few new additions, are available in the Music section. A few of the projects I'm working on, including this website, is available in the Coding section. All the games that I play, including videos of some of my streams, can be found in the Gaming section. And a whole lot of extras are found in the Life section.

RSS feeds are available for the Blog, Music, Coding, and Gaming sections, so you can more effectively stalk me, as my wife so succinctly puts it. I even went fancy and got me a short URL: Yeah, I'm a geek.

Some things that are no longer available:

  • My old music directory that had random musical stuff in it, I got rid of that, although the music itself may resurface later.
  • My Descent 3 levels. Those moved to the DMDB.
  • The ModPlug Player mirror. You can still get it at OpenMPT, and I am working with to get their link updated.

Overall I am quite happy with the outcome, even if it's 9 weeks after my initial goal for production. Come in, check out the site, and let me know what you think.

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