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Friday, June 13, 2008
Five months later...
Posted: 6:28:00 PM 0 comments
I don't know if I just get carried away, overestimate my ability, or underestimate my availability. In any case, I finally was able to scratch off Ticket #80 from my projects... about five months later than planned.

This is very annoying to me. It should not take me five months to put one section of a relatively simple website together.

Okay, so it's not so simple. I threw a lot of bells and whistles in, yes, but in the end the code behind it is easy. What the heck took me five months to complete it?

In any case, I'm rather proud of my work at the moment, and invite you to visit Six Minutes To Release and check out the Raids section for the calendar, groups, and all sorts of other WoW-related hoopla that I could throw into it.

Maybe I did get carried away.

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Friday, June 06, 2008
Unlikely birthday present
Posted: 11:10:00 AM 0 comments
So yesterday was the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday, and I got quite an unusual birthday present.

Mind you, it wasn't intentionally a present, but Backup sold its first copy on roncli Productions. It was quite a mess. The PayPal return was hitting the wrong page, the website is full of bugs, and nothing seemed to work right. I spent an hour last night fixing everything, and there's probably a lot more work that needs to be done. I can only hope that the software actually works, and this guy isn't trying to use it on Vista.

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