Saturday, April 30, 2005 |
Poker Night
Posted: 4:21:00 AM
Did much better at poker this time around, coming out ahead roughly $13. Though the same guy that beat me with the straight flush last time around ended up ahead after milking $25 out of one guy in a game of guts. Some people have all the luck! Labels: Life, Poker
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 |
roncli's Dumbass Award
Posted: 11:31:00 PM
Now playing: roncli, The Nightstalker - Everytime (7:05)
Today, the award goes to the drinker of Liquid Fire.Labels: roncli's Dumbass Award, Silliness
Sunday, April 24, 2005 |
Dudley's Dungeon
Posted: 4:11:00 AM
There is a NetHack comic out there, Dudley's Dungeon, that chronicles... well, silly NetHack related stuff. I submitted 3 comics (I think they're funny anyway!), hopefully they'll be approved soon. Check it out if you're into NetHack at all. Labels: Dudley's Dungeon, Gaming, NetHack
Saturday, April 23, 2005 |
Winamp 5.08
Posted: 4:38:00 PM
Now playing: roncli, The Nightstalker - Everytime (Preview) (7:37)
Just installed Winamp 5.08... man has their installer gotten bloated. It makes it seem as though they're getting away from the simplicity that made Winamp so popular and morphing it into... I don't know what. Too many options in the installation for me to consider when all I want is the latest version of the software.
No worries though, I open up Winamp and it looks and works just like it always does. Maybe it's just AOL getting to them.Labels: Software, Winamp
VBR & Winamp
Posted: 2:05:00 PM
Now playing: roncli, The Nightstalker - Everytime (Preview) (7:41)
Seems Winamp can't get song times straight on VBR encoded songs. The play length of Everytime is 5:23, not the 7:41 it advertises when it's first opened.Labels: Software, Winamp
w.blogger Bug Update
Posted: 2:03:00 PM
Now playing: roncli, The Nightstalker - Everytime (Preview) (7:41)
The w.bloggar site is back online, so I went to check up on the bug about editing old posts. Sure enough, it is a known issue. Apparantly, there is some sort of communication failure between blogger.com and the w.bloggar software. Oh well, I guess this just means that I will have to be more careful when I post for a while until this gets fixed.Labels: Life, w.bloggar
Everytime Update
Posted: 1:51:00 PM
Now playing: roncli, The Nightstalker - Everytime (Preview) (7:41)
Updated Everytime in the music directory. I thought it was going to be a pretty big change from the previous version, but really all that I did was add some nice reverb to the vocals, adjusted the volume level up on the bass, and played with the expression of the oboe during the solo. This song is quite close to release, if I can get a few people to listen to it I might put it out this weekend.
And maybe at some point I'll update the music section on my website... I know, I know, a far fetched possibility, but still.Labels: Everytime, Music
Thursday, April 21, 2005 |
Posted: 5:53:00 PM
Now playing: DotSPF - Narcussis (5:39)
Not much going on right now. Kinda mentally preparing myself for what might be a hard working job, should things go well. Been just gaming and occasionally touching up some music pieces. More to come.Labels: Life
Thursday, April 14, 2005 |
Demogorgon = ARROWED!
Posted: 4:33:00 AM
Now playing: Thomas Dolby - Quantum Mechanic (5:33)
Got a good run going in Nethack that was almost ruined by the presence of Demogorgon, summoned by Orcus on the second turn. After going through 25 potions of full heal or so, I was able to get him to run upstairs, get rid of all the nasties, and then follow him. I got myself into good position, whipped out the +6 longbow of diana, and fired away. Took about 6 or 7 +6 arrows. What a relief! For prosterity, here's the screenie:
 Labels: Demogorgon, Gaming, NetHack, Screenshot
Monday, April 11, 2005 |
Posted: 1:32:00 AM
Now playing: Atomship - Pencil Fight (3:38)
Been playing a bit of NetHack again lately. In my latest game, I got pwned by a death ray that a randomly generated monster had. I had the amulet of life saving, but the damn ray bounced off the wall and got me twice. Arrgh!Labels: Gaming, NetHack
Friday, April 01, 2005 |
Posted: 2:38:00 PM
Now playing: Atomship - Pencil Fight (3:38)
Seems there's an acronym for everything these days. I guess I'm one of the few that prefer to write out my words. You know, self-documentation and all.
Anyway, I am apparantly on a roll with the NWS stuff I've been working on. I can now read the forecast, current conditions, and severe weather alerts for a particular zip code, reloading as appropriate. All the hard work is done, which means the fun stuff is next, displaying the data. I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do for this, and it'll be quite fun to work on. Having learned a bit about VB.Net's 2D drawing capability and already having played around with Crystal Space's 2D drawing, I have a pretty good idea what I'm in for, so it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out.Labels: Acronyms, Coding, Crystal Space, NWS